Water: Plan On It

Alabama currently has no plan for how we will ensure that future generations have enough clean, affordable water. Our rivers and streams are home to more types of fish and aquatic species than any other state in the country, yet our laws do not consider how much water they need to survive. This film describes the current effort underway to develop an Alabama Water Plan and how having an abundance of water does not mean you can take it for granted without consequences.

Directed by Amelia Tyson.

TAKE ACTION: Visit www.AlabamaWaterPlan.com to sign up for action alerts and to learn more.

About the Director

Amelia Tyson is a MFA candidate at American University in Washington, DC, where she focuses on wildlife and environmental filmmaking. Her thesis film looks at water conditions in the state of Alabama through the dual lens of grassroots advocacy and education, and the structural and systematic mechanisms preventing the protection and conservation of the state’s abundance resource.

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